A Message from our President
INSTE Global Bible College (IGBC) has trained future disciples, pastors, and leaders for over 40 years. When you take the IGBC courses, you will find that they equip you to fulfill God's calling in your life. You will experience the warmth and vitality of being part of a group of people who share some of the same challenges and questions you have. Together, you will build long-lasting relationships and grow spiritually in your Biblical understanding of God's Word.
From our founders, Drs. Leona and Nick Venditti, "IGBC does not belong to us, but it belongs to God." God is actively behind everything we do. We have incorporated prayer, study of the Word, study with a group, study of the subject matter, and mentoring. God has had His hand upon all IGBC from the beginning and the only way to grow and build leaders is through the constant reminder that God is in control, and this is His work that He has developed through the founders and has been passed to the leaders who facilitate the groups. The leaders and disciples in the groups have been commissioned to build the Kingdom of God. IGBC's model is based on relationships, a Hebrew model that incorporates learning to the rhythm of life of the church and the apprentice.
IGBC exists to train God's people in discipleship, ministry, and leadership for the fulfillment of the Great Commission through excellent distance learning. IGBC courses are also very affordable. Only God can make leaders. IGBC is here to assist with training and equipping those God has chosen as leaders. We at the IGBC office are available for prayer and to answer any questions you may encounter as you progress in your studies. You are never alone.
In His Service,
Dr. Tina Luther
Dr. Tina Luther
North American IGBC President
Countries with INSTE Groups
We commit ourselves to finding ways to incorporate INSTE into other language and cultural groups in the United States.
Relationship is the key to growth in beliefs, behaviors and attitudes. Therefore, we assert the value of learning in small groups as the cornerstone of our didactic system.
Effective education combines theoretical input with real-life practical experience. Training for ministry and leadership must include academic, spiritual and value formation.
The methodology we use is based on biblical values such as relationships in the Body of Christ, the discipline of daily study and prayer, effective witness to one's personal world, and gift-based ministry.
We believe that discipleship and leadership formation should be available at a cost-effective price.
We believe in developing people according to their giftedness and God-given ministry.
Being active in a local community of believers is the best laboratory for learning discipleship, ministry and leadership.
The foundation of all we do is the Great Commission. We are committed to working with any church or denomination that shares our evangelical faith.
In 1980 the Academic Dean of Open Bible College in Des Moines, Iowa, shared with the Rev. Paul Canfield an idea about a theological education by extension program for Spain. Rev. Canfield sensed that God was indeed in this plan. Dr. Leona Janzen (later Venditti) arrived in Spain in 1982, and one intensive year later, INSTE was born. As INSTE grew, God brought many dedicated people to work along side Director Janzen an army of wonderful Spanish brothers and sisters, Vince and Lois McCarty and Nick. Nick Venditti began ministering in various churches, preaching, teaching, and evangelizing in Madrid, Valladolid and other parts of Spain.
After a good long period of "fellowshipping," Nick won Leona's heart and hand in marriage, and they dedicated themselves to the task to which God had called them. They returned to the United States in 1990 to redesign INSTE for multi-national implementation.The passion of INSTE is to make disciples of all nations through accessible, Bible-centered education, and to provide practical Christian leadership development to churches throughout the world.
God the Father
There is only one God, Creator of the universe, one in essence, existing eternally in three Persons; Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
God the Son Jesus Christ
The only mediator between God and humankind is Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, who was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. In His incarnation the divine Word shared our humanity completely and lived in perfect obedience to the Father. Through His expiatory death for all humankind, Christ revealed His divine love and satisfied divine justice, removing it and reconciling to God those who believe in Him. The Lord was bodily resurrected from the dead, ascended to Heaven, sat down on the right hand of the Father, where He is interceding for the saints before the throne of God.
God the Holy Spirit
Through the work of the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Trinity, we are forgiven of all our sins and justified by faith in Jesus Christ. Baptism is the Holy Spirit empowering us to live a holy life, bearing testimony to everyone around us. The gifts and fruit of the Spirit enable us to serve God, the Body of Christ and the world.
The Bible
The Bible is the inspired Word of God, the only infallible guide to faith and the Christian life.
Man and woman, the crown of God's creation, were made in God's image to have fellowship with Him. They voluntarily transgressed the law of God and as a result became subject to Divine wrath. Since Adam, every person is born with a sinful nature, inwardly depraved and apart from grace, incapable of returning to God.
Salvation is by the grace of God through faith in Christ as Savior and Lord. The Holy Spirit renews our hearts, persuading us to repent of sin and confess Christ as Lord. We are justified by faith in Christ and have the gift of eternal life through Him.
The Church
God, through His Spirit and His Word, has created the Church, calling persons of every culture and age to have fellowship in the Body of Christ through the blood of His Son. The Holy Spirit bestows gifts on believers for the edification of the Body and ministry of the saints. The Church exists for the purpose of worshipping and serving God. It has been commissioned to proclaim the good news and to make disciples of all nations.
The Christian Life
God adopts us into His family and empowers us to call Him Father. As we are guided by the Holy Spirit, we grow in the knowledge of the Lord, keeping His commandments and living so that the world sees our good works and glorifies the Father, who is in Heaven.
Divine healing is the power of God to heal the sick in answer to believing prayer and is provided in the atonement.
The Second Coming of Christ
God's redemptive purpose will be consummated in the literal return of Christ to resurrect the dead, judge all people according to their works and establish His glorious reign. The ungodly will be separated from His presence, and the redeemed, in their glorified bodies, will reign with Him forever. Then will be fulfilled the hope of all creation, that will proclaim the glory of God, who has made all things new.
Human Sexuality
God created human beings in His own image, distinctly crafted and biologically identifiable as male and female at birth (Genesis 1:27). Thus, sexuality has been essential to our identity from creation; complementary sexes by divine design. This physical distinction enabled God's plan for sexual relationship, which is foundational to gender identity. All attempts of whatever sexual nature to blur, confuse, or alter God's design for sexuality and sexual identity are sin.
INSTE Global Bible College is authorized by the Bureau of Iowa College Aid within the Iowa Department of Education (Iowa College Aid) to operate in Iowa as a non-degree specialty vocational training program.For information on Inste Bible College's authority to operate in each state, refer to the State Licensure Information summary.
INSTE Global Bible College is governed by a Board of Directors whose knowledge of INSTE and expertise in mission and education assure continued adherence to its goals and objectives. The college is affiliated with the Department of Global Missions of Open Bible Churches as an institution of Christian higher education.
INSTE is incorporated in the State of Iowa as a non-profit corporation. As a 501(c)3 exempt organization, INSTE is qualified to receive tax-deductible gifts.
How do I get INSTE Global started in my church?
INSTE Global partners with your church to make disciples and develop leaders. A person in your church will need to take the Distance Leader Training (DLT) program to become certified as a Group Leader. This is accomplished locally, on the leader's own schedule. Contact us for more information or simply go to the Get Started tab and click on 'Distance Leader Training Forms' and then follow the directions.
If I fail a course, can I go on to the next one?
Yes, you may go on to the next course, but if you want a certificate or a diploma, you will need to retake the course in order to graduate.
Is INSTE Global accredited?
Inste Global Bible College is not accredited at this time.
What if our leader can no longer lead our group? Can one of the students continue the group by taking over the leadership?
Yes, but first that student will need to take Distance Leader Training (DLT) to become certified. However, if another person in the church has been certified as a leader, he/she may assume leadership of the group.
How long will it take to get my order?
It depends on where you live. It takes 3-6 business days for your order to arrive via U.S. mail. It takes 2-3 days to process the order and then additional 3-6 business days to ship it to you. However, if you fax or email the order to us-with a credit card number, we'll be able to get it to you sooner.
If I am a pastor and want to lead a group, do I still have to be certified as a group leader?
Yes, because we want to make sure that all group leaders understand the methodology and ministry philosophy of INSTE Global.
May I be a group leader and a student at the same time?
Yes, you may be a student and a leader at the same time. When you submit the Book Order Form, send your application/enrollment and all student fees, along with applications and fees of rest of the students in your group.
May I order a complete set of books?
Only a group leader may order a complete set of books. You may order a complete set of books at a discount when you enroll in Distance Leader Training (DLT). Leaders enrolling in the Distance Leader Training for the Diploma Program may also order the first four books of Sequence 1 at a discounted price.
If classes have already started, can someone join the group?
Yes, as long as not more than 3 weeks have passed. A student cannot miss more than one-fourth of the group meetings. In the Diploma Program, no one may join a group after the first lesson.
Can a group have two certified leaders?
Yes, in fact, we feel this is an excellent opportunity for you to mentor someone as a group leader. Having two leaders in a group also enhances group dynamics and provides continuity if it is necessary for one of the two to be absent.
Can I purchase a set of books for my own personal study and reference?
No. INSTE Global is designed for use in small groups for the purpose of fostering relationships and accountability; therefore, we do not sell books for personal reference.
Do you take orders over the phone?
No. At the present time we do not have the technology available to record phone calls. For accounting purposes we need a paper trail to verify all orders.
If I have already been certified as a leader in the past, do I need to take the training again?
In most cases, in order to renew leader certification you only need to call the INSTE office for a short interview so that we can go over any changes to our prices, policies or forms since you last led a group.
How do I get a transcript?
Download the Transcript Request Form PDF and print it, fill it out, and send it to the INSTE office. Enclose $5.00 for shipping and handling. Unofficial transcripts are sent free of charge via email or fax.
What denominations are using INSTE Global?
At present, many different denominations are enrolled in INSTE Global including Assemblies of God, Church of God-Cleveland, Church of God-Anderson, Foursquare Churches, Methodist, Open Bible, Amor Viviente, plus many independent churches.
Do you accept transfer credit from other institutions?
All students are required to take Discipleship 1. Those who have studied courses equivalent to the other Certificate Program courses in an accredited institution may request transfer credit. Check with the INSTE Global office about requirements and procedures. In the Diploma Program, students are required to complete Church Leadership and a minimum of 32 credit hours with INSTE Global.
What percentage of the weekly score and finals make up the total grade?
For the Certificate Programs, your weekly exams are 20% and the final is 80% of the total grade. In the Diploma Program, the weekly exams are 40% and the final is 60% of the total grade.
What English translation of the Bible does INSTE Global use?
We use the ESV (English Standard Version), and will be the default translation used in your test. If you memorize the verses in a translation other than the ESV, you MUST note which translation you are using, or you will be marked wrong.
Are my student records protected by INSTE Global?
Yes, the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) protects students' rights with respect to their education records. Please see our catalog for more information.
Do my credits from INSTE Global transfer to other colleges or universities?
The transfer of academic credits to any institution is determined by the receiving institution. The student who plans to transfer INSTE Global credits is advised to check with the receiving institution.